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All PAL Cards to Become Smart

Insight by

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Matthew Weatherston

Published on

4 December 2014

Health and safety news
Source: HSE

All PAL Cards to Become Smart

From 1st January 2015, all Power Access Licence (PAL) cards issued by the Powered Access Federation (IPAF) are to become machine readable. By becoming smart they aim to improve site safety as only trained operatives will be able to use mobile elevating work platforms (MEWPS) and mast climbing work platforms (MCWPs).

Things such as level of training, categories etc will be readable by the machine and means the operator can only start a machine if the data on the card is correct for the work being done.

Managers will also be able to track how long the machine has been used for and by who, therefore helping to prevent fraudulent use.

For more information on PAL cards and the IPAF training programme, visit the Internation Power Access Federtion website using the following links:

For further information on the use of MEWPS follow:

HSE Asbestos Toolkit

Insight by

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Matthew Weatherston

Published on

1 December 2014


HSE Asbestos Toolkit

The HSE Asbestos Toolkit is a useful tool to help protect those who might be exposed to asbestos during their work activites. On average 20 tradespeople die from asbestos related diseases every week and asbestos can potentially be found in any house or building built before the year 2000.

The Asbestos toolkit contains several “how-to” guides and should be used by anyone working in areas where asbestos might be present. It will work out if you’re likely to be affected by asbestos when carrying out your work activities and will identify suitable precautions that need to be taken to protect you and your workforce from the dangers of asbestos. Try the tool for yourself by following the link below.

There is also an app available for your mobile or tablet so you can get this important information wherever you are.