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Domestic Construction Phase Plan

Insight by


Amanda Lambert

Published on

19 January 2016

Construction phase plan

Domestic Construction Phase Plan

Domestic projects involving only you as a contractor

On these projects, the client duties are transferred to you, who must carry out the client’s duties as well as your own. In practice, this will involve you doing no more than they have done in the past to comply with health and safety legislation. Compliance with your own duties as a contractor will be taken as compliance with the relevant client duties to the extent necessary given the risks involved in the project. As a result of you taking on the client duties, any designers involved in the project will work with you in their role as the ‘client’.

Domestic projects involving more than one contractor

For projects involving more than one contractor the Principal Contractor will normally assume the Client duties. The domestic Client can choose to appoint the Principal Designer for the project. If, however, they do not make this appointment, the first Designer appointed during the preconstruction phase is the Principal Designer for the project. If so, the Principal Designer will be answerable to the Principal Contractor in their role as ‘Client’ for the project and will be responsible for liaising with them.

Refer to the following flow diagram for further details of CDM domestic projects.

CDM 2015 Applies to Domestic Clients



Domestic Construction Phase Plan

Safecontractor Scheme

Insight by


Amanda Lambert

Published on

5 January 2016

Health and safety blog

Safecontractor Scheme

Safecontractor is part of the Alcumus Group. The Safecontractor scheme is a web based portal where suppliers can complete an online version of an Health & Safety PQQ. This is then assessed and measured to ensure that your company complies with the guidelines set out.

As Safecontractor is a set of guidelines clients can use this to measure companies without having to get individual PQQ’s filed in for each occasion. There are over 24,000 members currently in the scheme.

The process for safe contractor takes on average 8 weeks once you have submitted your documentation to them for review. Safecontractor is a good way to show you have demonstrated your Health & Safety competence and both new and existing clients will recognise that.

Safecontractor is part of the SSIP umbrella organisation of accreditations so gaining Safecontractor can also deem you to satisfy for other accreditations should your clients require them such as CHAS of exor.

To find out more about deeming to satisfy please read our blog

If you are looking for help in completing your Safecontractor application get in touch with us today.