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HSE publish the latest workplace fatality statistics

Insight by


Amanda Lambert

Published on

19 July 2016

Health and safety blog

2015 / 2016 HSE workplace stats 

The HSE has released provisional figures indicating that 144 people were killed while at work in 2015/2016 – up from 142 in 2014/5.

The figures have been broken down to key sectors:

  • 43 workers deaths in construction
  • 27 deaths in agriculture
  • 27 deaths in manufacturing
  • 6 deaths in waste and recycling
  • 41 in various other sectors

There was a further 103 deaths for members of the public connected to work in 2015/16.

Although these may seem high compared with other statistics available for the rest of Europe the UK to be one of the safest places to work.

Mesothelioma, one of the few work related diseases where deaths can be counted directly, contracted through past exposure to asbestos killed 2,515 in Great Britain in 2014 compared to 2,556 in 2013.

A more detailed assessment of the data will be provided as part of the annual Health and Safety Statistics release in early November.

Further information on these statistics can be found at


CHAS new E form process

Insight by


Amanda Lambert

Published on

12 July 2016


CHAS new E form Process

In 2016 CHAS have introduced a new system where you can apply for your CHAS direct on their online portal. Previously you were only able to pay online and had to submit your documents separately.

The online E form Process is not available for groups or for other members of the SSIP umbrella group they need to contact You will also need to use the old way of applying if you a Designers or Principal Designer.

The new  process is different as you will need to pay for your CHAS on submission. Before you start your application you need to make sure you have everything you need to hand in electronic format:

  • Examples of Risk assessments and Method Statements in situ on previous jobs
  • COSHH Assessments specific to your business
  • Evidence of Health & Safety Training specific to your business and employees
  • Evidence of Contractor Management & Competence Assessment
  • plus other necessary documents
  • valid payment method

Once you have everything in place start the process by clicking here:


Once you have made payment your application will  be assigned to an assessor and they will login and commence the assessment. The assessment can take up to 10 working days and this can result in a pass or feedback requiring more information. All updates will be sent to you via the E Forms system.

The assessment process remains the same whereby, if more information is needed you will need to provide this to get your certificate.

Using the E Forms system means that once you have been passed by the assessor a confirmation letter and an electronic copy of your certificate will be uploaded to your account.  You will then receive a hard copy of the certificate & accreditation pack post within 10 working days.

If you are unsure if you have the right information or would like some support to complete the accreditation please get in touch.