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CHAS Deem to satisfy process

Insight by


Amanda Lambert

Published on

25 May 2023


CHAS Deem to satisfy process

There is an increased number of clients looking to see if they can Deem to Satisfy for CHAS. This process is where you already have a qualification that CHAS recognises and will accept instead of carrying out their own assessment.

If you think that you have one that will be eligible you can either contact CHAS on 0208 545 3838 or you can use the e-form provided below:

If after checking the list you are unsure or don’t think you will be able to get CHAS this way and will need to complete the full application please get in touch.

We can help you to get your documentation in place within 10 working days to submit for assessment.

Having trouble with your RE-CHAS?

Insight by


Amanda Lambert

Published on

18 May 2023


Having trouble with your RE-CHAS?

Each application for CHAS is treated as a new application, this is so that your paperwork can be assessed on a yearly basis to ensure that you comply with the latest Health & Safety Legislation. We often get calls from companies saying that the paperwork they have submitted last year has not been accepted this time around.

If you submit documentation that CHAS do not think is up to the standard they need to pass, they will provide you with a list of actions. This will be sent out to you by your appointed CHAS assessor.

The documentation will go into detail to let you know what you need to provide as additional information, there are a number of actions you can then choose:

  • Compile the documentation yourself
  • Purchase the documents needed and complete it independently
  • Contact a Competent Health & Safety Consultant who can provide you with the information needed as well as advice

We can do your CHAS with you starting at £300 + vat for less than 5 employees.

As a Health and Safety Consultant we are happy to look at your documentation and bespoke the responses based on your business please get in touch if you would like our help on 0800 031 5404.

The difference between Safety Advisor and Competent Person

Insight by


Amanda Lambert

Published on

9 May 2023

Competent person

The difference between Safety Advisor and Competent Person

Ensuring you have the right level of support and advice for your Health & Safety is abit of a mine field and can be defined simply by the number of employees you have.

Less than 5 employees = Safety Advisor

This service is where you are offered support and advice when needed, this tends to be a one of payment where you will be given a service agreement, certificate and a CV to show the qualifications of the person who is providing you with the advice. Paperwork such as off the shelf risk assessments and risk assessments and Method statements would be provided on an as and when basis should you need them.

More than 5 employees = Competent Person

This service is where you pay a monthly retainer fee for continued support and advice should you need it. This service is where your consultant becomes part of your business and should be informed of anything that changes within the organisation. In this service you will be provided with a full Safety Management System including full Health & Safety Policy, Equal opportunities policy and Staff handbook. Your consultant will be on hand to be the link between you and the HSE should this ever be necessary.

Whilst not every company is black and white like this the rule of thumb tends to be the details above. You may be asked by a client to prove you have a dedicated support for Health & Safety resource as well as a policy with less than 5 employees if that is the case you would need fall outside of the rule.

If you are not sure about your personal circumstances please get in touch we are happy to go through everything with you.

CHAS or Constructionline how do you decide?

Insight by


Amanda Lambert

Published on

4 May 2023


CHAS or Constructionline how do you decide?

In terms of Health & Safety accreditation these seem to be the most popular ones we are finding people enquire about. They are different accreditions and can both be useful for your business.


CHAS is a remote assessment of your Health & Safety Practices within your business, CHAS assess your competence for carrying out the work you detail you perform. CHAS are looking to make sure everything is in place and your company has the correct level of training and competence within your business. If you have more than 5 employees CHAS will also be looking to make sure you have all your legal responsibilities covered within your Health & Safety policy and you have the correct level of safety advice available to you.


Constructionline is a remote assessment of your company and will be looking for you to provide information about your company, directors, finances and areas of operation. As well as your Health & safety, equal opportunities and environmental management. Constructionline is an online portal where you are able to update your information and save progress over a period of time to enable to you get the documentation needed together. You can then submit your information and feedback will be provided.

If your still unsure which accreditation would be right for you,  get in touch with us and we can talk through the options available to you 0800 031 5404.

New Health & Safety Resources available

Insight by


Amanda Lambert

Published on

26 April 2023

Health and safety news

Here at Seguro we like to ensure that our customers are able to have access to all the available resources we have. We are constantly asked for new policies and risk assessments that we spend the time in creating.

We have recently updated the website to include all the recent resources we now have available to buy, a few of the items now available include:

Alcohol and Drugs Policy

Anti Slavery and Human Trafficking Policy

Bribery, Fraud and Malpractice Policy

Business Ethical Policy

Corporate Social Responsibility Policy

Environmental Policy

Equality & Diversity Policy

We are constantly updating our Risk Assessment and Method Statements so keep an eye on what’s new to see if we have what you need.

Pros and Cons of Outsourcing your Safety advisor resource

Insight by


Amanda Lambert

Published on

19 April 2023

Competent person

The pros of outsourcing defiently outweigh the cons, but before you form a partnership with an Health & Safety consultant you must learn all you can about outsourcing. Once you are fully informed you can decide if outsourcing is right for your business and how it can help you.

Following is a list of pros and cons of outsourcing:

Pros of Outsourcing

  • Up to date professional advice when you need it
  • Gives you access to skilled professionals at low cost
  • The confidence in knowing your legal duties are covered
  • Reduces your cost of doing business, as you save on infrastructure, workforce, hiring costs, training costs, and technology and software investments
  • Allows you to focus more on your core business functions

Cons of Outsourcing

  • You will have to rely on the expertise of another company without fully understanding all the detail yourself
  • You need to ensure that your outsource partner is available for your working hours not just theirs
  • You need to understand turn around times and accept them
  • You may not be able to get what you want when you want it
  • You have to trust the information they provide is accurate and up to date

Outsourcing your Health & Safety resource can give your business the competitive edge it requires to win work and be successful on tenders.

If anything, the disadvantages of outsourcing give you the opportunity to think before-hand about the things you need to keep in mind when selecting an outsourcing partner.

If you are looking to outsource your Health & Safety we can support you, get in touch.

Risk Assessments & Method Statements

Insight by


Amanda Lambert

Published on

8 March 2023

Health and safety blog

Risk Assessments & Method Statements

Here at Seguro we know that Risk Assessments & Method Statements can seem a daunting task when you have to start them from scratch. We have developed a library of RAMS that can be used within your business on a day to day basis.

We constantly update our RAMS with the latest activity based ones we have created. Our RAMS can be purchased individually or in a pack depending on what you need. If you are unsure if we have the RAMS you need please visit our SHOP and see what you can find. There are some examples listed below:

Risk Assessment & Method Statement For Screeding
Plumbing Works Risk Assessment & Method Statement
External Painting Risk Assessment & Method Statement
Risk assessment & method statement for commercial electrical installation

We also offer a Health & Safety Risk Assessments Pack which contains 65 templates covering a range of subjects.

If you cant find what your looking for please get in touch and we can see if we can help.

Flat Fee Prices for SMAS

Insight by


Amanda Lambert

Published on

27 February 2023

Health and safety news

Looking for an SSIP accreditation SMAS might be the way forward for your business

With one of the cheapest assessment fees for all the SSIP groups this accreditation could help you keep your renewal fees down for 2023.


The number of employees is based on full time employees and labour only sub contractors which you have in the business at the time of your application.

If you are looking for any help or support completing the application, or are in need a safety advisor to assist you throughout the year please get in touch.

Pre Qualification Questionnaire Guide

Insight by


Amanda Lambert

Published on

24 February 2023

Health and safety blog

Pre Qualification Questionnaire Guide (PQQ)

Pre-Qualification Questionnaire, also commonly know as a ‘PQQ’, is a questionnaire that companies (suppliers ) have to fill in when looking to tender for schemes they want to work on. PQQ are used when applying for an approved supplier list or when applying for most accreditation schemes. They are pro-dominantly used in the public sector, but can be used for private sector tenders too.

Filling out a Pre-Qualification Questionnaire for the public sector, is an important process as they are used as a way to standardise all suppliers and the information needed to make a decisions when appointing new contracts. As all information is standard the PQQ can help to make a short list easier as companies are able to look at information in the same format and detail.

PQQs are scored according to the answers that you give so you need to ensure they are well thought out and give the best impression you can give of your company and its capabilities.

What is asked in a PQQ?

Every PQQ you fill in is effectively your companies marketing tool, filling out the PQQ to the best of your ability will allow you to show that your company is the best choice.

In general, a PQQ will need information about your:

  • Status
  • Finances
  • Quality Policy
  • Environmental Policy
  • Equal Opportunities Policy
  • Health and Safety Policy

We provide help if needed to complete any PQQ you may have been given as well as advice in ensuring that you have all the information you may need for further Pre Qualification Questionnaires you get.

What is the SMAS accreditation?

Insight by


Amanda Lambert

Published on

15 February 2023

Health and safety news

What is SMAS?

SMAS is part of the SSIP accreditation scheme known as  ‘Safety Schemes In Procurement’ (SSIP). When you begin working for clients they may ask you to become a member of SSIP. This is so they can be assured that your H&S practices are up to standard with a third party certification.

As a consultant that assists with the paperwork needed we are focusing on saving our clients money where we can. SMAS is one of the most reasonable outlays for your business and to renew year on year.

If you have any questions or would like us to help you get your accreditation please get in touch on 0800 031 5404.