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What is PQS accreditation

Insight by

Bob Evans

Bob Evans

Published on

1 December 2024

PQS accreditation

PQS accreditation

Find out what PQS accreditation is and how it can save you money and streamline health and safety assessments.

A PQS accreditation is an approved SSIP (Safety Schemes in Procurement) accreditation.

SSIP is an umbrella organisation formed in 2009 to reduce the duplication of health and safety assessments.

SSIP does not carry out the assessments; 30 companies, including PQS, do that.


PQS has designed the most efficient and affordable SSIP accreditation certification process.

PQS was set up to be the most affordable and straightforward SSIP member scheme in the UK market while retaining great value and simple processes.

The deem to satisfy scheme developed by SSIP means a PQS certificate is equal to all other suppliers, for example, CHAS, Constructionline, and Safe Contractor.

While SSIP schemes save money on processes and simplify health and safety procurement for suppliers, they are priced quite differently in the UK market.

SSIP approval is recognised UK-wide, and its purpose is to save contractors time tendering for work.

PQS is approved for all SSIP Categories and/or CDM Duty holders across the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland.

For organisations in the United Kingdom, we can provide all the following categories:

– SSIP Approved
– SSIP Approved: Contractor
– SSIP Approved: Principal Contractor
– SSIP Approved: Designer
– SSIP Approved: Principal Designer
– SSIP Approved: IE Contractor
– SSIP Approved: IE Project Supervisor Construction Stage (PSCS)
– SSIP Approved: IE Project Supervisor Design Process (PSDP)
– SSIP Approved: IE Designer

PQS assessment criteria

The PQS assessment criteria are the same as those of all SSIP suppliers. SSIP (Safety Schemes in Procurement) is an umbrella organisation formed in 2009 to reduce the duplication of health and safety assessments.

The PQS assessment standards and requirements are listed below.

  • Policy
  • Arrangements
  • Occupational Health
  • Behavioural Management
  • Enforcement Actions
  • Accident Reporting and Investigation
  • Fleet Operations / Management Scheme
  • Competent Advice – Corporate and Construction
  • Drug and Alcohol Policy
  • Training and Information
  • Individual Qualifications and Experience
  • Monitoring, Audit and Review
  • Risk Assessment Leading to a Safe System of Work
  • Workforce Involvement
  • Co-operation and Co-ordination
  • Welfare Provision
  • Subcontractors and Sub-consultants
  • Contractor
  • Principal Contractor
  • Designer

PQS Support

Completing the PQS application takes time and resources, as well as completing lots of forms and health and safety documentation.

We can make it easy for you by doing all the leg work for you. We carry out over 500 applications a year with 100% success.

For a small fee, we can take the pain away for you.

Complete the form, or call us on 0800 031 5404 and we will tell you how it works and how much the whole process costs, including the PQS fee for your circumstances.

    Do I need to be a CHAS accredited contractor?

    Insight by

    Bob Evans

    Bob Evans

    Published on

    24 October 2024


    Table of contents

    Do I need to be a CHAS accredited contractor?

    If you are self-employed or a small contractor do you need to be a CHAS accredited contractor. You may be asked to get CHAS or other SSIP certificate. Let us explain the situation to you.

    Domestic Market

    If you work in the domestic market and want to sail close to the wind, the answer is no, as homeowners will not insist that you work safely.

    However, you have a duty of care for yourself and others under UK health and safety legislation. Even working in the domestic market, you will be in trouble if you have a terrible accident or cause harm to others.

    Construction Market

    The answer is yes if you work in the construction market or want to work there. You will need to have a recognised standard of health and safety.

    Main contractors and clients such as local authorities insist that everyone who works for them has a standard of health and safety. They insist as it is part of their health and safety systems.

    The most well-known standard is CHAS, but there are other providers of the same standard under the SSIP umbrella. SSIP (Safety Schemes in Procurement) is a organisation that manages accreditation suppliers, to ensure they work to the same standards.

    The size of your business matters

    If you are self-employed or a small contractor with less than 5 employees, you need CHAS or similar, SSIP but you will not be required to employ a competent person safety advisor.

    You must employ a competent person safety advisor if you employ 5 or more people, including sub-contractors or other self-employed people. The easiest way to do this is to use a remote competent person safety advisor. We offer this service.

    What is CHAS

    The Core Criteria and the threshold standard of CHAS and all the other SSIP accreditations  is as follows:

    • Health & safety policy
    • Competent Advice
    • Training arrangements
    • Monitoring, audit and review
    • Workforce involvement
    • Accident reporting and enforcement action
    • Subcontracting/consulting
    • Risk Assessments and Safe Systems of Work
    • Cooperations with others
    • Welfare provision
    • Hazard elimination

    Learn more about CHAS

    We have a series of articles where you can learn more about CHAS. The list of articles is below:

    The Good News

    We are here to support you through the process; we can prepare all the documents, complete the registration forms, and simplify the process. CHAS is expensive, but other providers are very economical. The best thing to do is chat with us and learn more; we can tell you about the costs and the time frame. Our number is 0800 031 5404, or you can complete the form below.

      I confirm I have read and agree to the Seguro Health and Safety Consultants Privacy Policy.

      What is SSIP?

      Insight by

      Bob Evans

      Bob Evans

      Published on

      22 October 2024

      Health and safety blog

      What is SSIP

      SSIP imageSSIP (Safety Schemes in Procurement) is an umbrella organisation formed in 2009 to reduce the duplication of health and safety assessments.

      SSIP does not carry out the assessments; 30 companies, including CHAS, PQS, and Construction line, do that.

      Which assessment company do you select?

      Construction line
      Safe Contractor
      Builders profile

      The most expensive is CHAS, and the least costly is PQS. Due to the Deem to Satisfy system by SSIP, a PQS accreditation is equivalent to a CHAS accreditation, and for a small fee, you can obtain certificates for both.

      The driver for selection usually is your customer; if they insist on CHAS, you can get accredited with PQS and request a certificate from CHAS within the deem to satisfy process.

      Impartial advise

      Feel free to call us, and we can advise you on the best selection for your needs. We have completed thousands of applications and understand the market inside out. We don’t mind which company you select; the assessment process is the same, thanks to SSIP.

      Who is Seguro

      Seguro Health and Safety Management employs qualified health and safety consultants who complete the application to obtain accreditation from all the assessment companies. Seguro removes the pain of completing all the documentation and ensuring you comply.

      The history of SSIP

      In April 2007, the revised Construction (Design & Management) Regulations came into force. The new regulations introduced the concept of accessing the health and safety competence of contractors and consultants working within the construction sector.

      In May 2009, with support from HSE, SSIP was founded, with the core aim to streamline pre-qualification and encourage straightforward mutual recognition between its Member Schemes.

      2015 saw SSIP adopting the Core Criteria from the HSE, ensuring that its members adhered to the highest health and safety standards. This alignment with HSE guidelines further solidified SSIP’s reputation as a health and safety pre-qualification leader.

      In 2024, SSIP remains at the forefront of promoting health and safety standards within the construction industry.

      More articles

      The SSIP accreditation process


      What is SSIP Deem to Satisfy?

      Insight by


      Amanda Lambert

      Published on

      13 September 2024

      Health and safety blog

      What is SSIP Deem to Satisfy?

      Deem to satisfy allows you to obtain an SSIP certificate from a supplier other than the supplier from which you obtained your SSIP certificate.

      For example, you can apply for a Constructionline certificate without going through a new accreditation process if you have a CHAS certificate.

      You can save money using deem to satisfy; for example, if you have a CHAS and wish to renew, you can renew with a more economical supplier and still get your CHAS certificate through the deem to satisfy system.

      All member schemes listed on the SSIP forum adhere to the SSIP Core Criteria, backed by the Health and Safety Executive.

      By mutually recognising each other’s schemes, suppliers benefit from only needing to complete one assessment, while buyers enjoy more efficient procurement processes. This approach reduces costs and has saved over £68 million since 2016.

      Registered Members

      Two-Way Deem to Satisfy between SSIP Registered Members

      Approval with a Registered Member can only be used to Deem to Satisfy with another Registered Member; it cannot be used to gain a Deem to Satisfy with a Certification Body Member.

      Below is the list of registered members you can use for deem to satisfy:

      3Core2 Certification Limited Trading As SafeArb SafeArb

      Achilles Information Ltd Building Confidence

      Alcumus SafeContractor Ltd Alcumus Safecontractor

      Altius VA Limited CDMComply

      Arboricultural Association ARB Approved Contractor

      Association for Project Safety APS Corporate Practice Membership

      Avetta Avetta Assessed

      CHAS 2013 Ltd Contractors Health & Safety Scheme

      Construction Safety Solutions PASS

      CQMS Ltd CQMS Safety-Scheme

      D W Health & Safety DW Health & Safety Contractor Competency Scheme

      Fall Arrest Safety Equipment Training Ltd FASET Membership Audit

      Fortius Ltd Acclaim Accreditation

      Greenlight Safety Assessment Scheme Ltd Greenlight Safety Assessment Scheme

      Hire Association Europe Ltd SafeHire Certification Scheme

      International Powered Access Federation [IPAF] IPAF SSIP

      MSL Property Care Services Ltd MSL Safepartner

      National Access & Scaffolding Confederation Ltd NASC SSIP Audit

      National Federation of Demolition Contractors NFDC Membership

      PQS Pre-Qualification Scheme PQS Health & Safety Approved

      Salus Certification Salus Certification

      Safe-T-Cert [NI] {Construction Employers Federation} Safe-T-Cert

      Safe-T-Cert [ROI] {Construction Industry Federation} Safe-T-Cert

      Safety Management Advisory Services Ltd SMAS Worksafe

      SSG Training and Consultancy Ltd SSG Assessed

      William Martin Compliance Limited Prosure 360

      We can support you if you are not sure what to do.

      CHAS and Constructionline Enquiries

      Insight by


      Amanda Lambert

      Published on

      12 February 2024


      CHAS and Constructionline Enquiries

      Over the last few months we have had a large influx of clients that have been asked for an SSIP accreditation as well as Constructionline. There are a number of ways you can achieve this:


      You can start your Constructionline Application as normal but request that you also get assessed for Acclaim. This will mean that your health & Safety will be assessed by Constructionline. The assessor will feedback and further information they need and the process can take up to 3-5 weeks to complete.

      CHAS and Constructionline

      In order to get both accreditations we would recommend that you start the process for CHAS first, this can take an average of 4 weeks from start to completion. Once you have your CHAS certificate you can then apply to Constructionline when you apply you would tick yes to having an SSIP certificate and upload your CHAS certificate here.

      There is then no need to apply for acclaim and you would go ahead with you constructionline application as normal.

      If you looking for help with applying for both accreditation’s we can help with that here at Seguro.

      How can i check if someone is SSIP registered?

      Insight by


      Amanda Lambert

      Published on

      3 January 2024



      If you are a construction client and are looking to check if the contractor you are looking to employ is SSIP (Safety Schemes in Procurement) registered, look no further! We will show you how to determine if someone is SSIP registered, giving you the peace of mind you need before starting your project.


      If you are a contractor looking to become SSIP registered, you will need to select an accreditation company. The accreditation companies we work with are:

      Safe contractor
      Builders profile

      The most expensive is CHAS, and the least costly is PQS. Due to the Deem to Satisfy system by SSIP, a PQS accreditation is equivalent to a CHAS accreditation, and for a small fee, you can obtain certificates for both.

      The driver for selection is normally your customer; if they insist on CHAS, you can get accredited with PQS and request a certificate for CHAS within the process.

      Independent Advice

      Feel free to call us, and we can advise you on the best selection for your needs. We have completed thousands of applications and understand the market inside out. We don’t mind which company you select; the assessment process is the same, thanks to SSIP.

      Contact us

      Checking if a contractor is SSIP registered is straightforward

      Go to the SSIP website and click onto the SSIP Portal.

      In the search section type in the contractor name and press enter. If they are registered, the SSIP website. portal will give you the registration and renewal date details.

      In order to find out the details and check it is the correct company you will need:

      • Company full registered
      • Registered address

      Contacting the company and requesting a copy of their SSIP certificate and any additional and relevant documentation is also advisable. They should be willing to provide you with this information if they are a reputable company.

      If you are not happy with the work someone has done for you this would not fall under SSIP. You would need to go to trading standards if you cannot resolve the issue with the company. Trading standards website


      Ash Electrics

      We have now received our Gold award, with 100% thanks to yourselves.

      I will share our feedback on your service but just to say a huge thank you, you have always been helpful and supportive and that has been very much appreciated.

      With very best wishes


      CHAS Deem to satisfy process

      Insight by


      Amanda Lambert

      Published on

      25 May 2023


      CHAS Deem to satisfy process

      There is an increased number of clients looking to see if they can Deem to Satisfy for CHAS. This process is where you already have a qualification that CHAS recognises and will accept instead of carrying out their own assessment.

      If you think that you have one that will be eligible you can either contact CHAS on 0208 545 3838 or you can use the e-form provided below:

      If after checking the list you are unsure or don’t think you will be able to get CHAS this way and will need to complete the full application please get in touch.

      We can help you to get your documentation in place within 10 working days to submit for assessment.

      What is the SMAS accreditation?

      Insight by


      Amanda Lambert

      Published on

      15 February 2023

      Health and safety news

      What is SMAS?

      SMAS is part of the SSIP accreditation scheme known as  ‘Safety Schemes In Procurement’ (SSIP). When you begin working for clients they may ask you to become a member of SSIP. This is so they can be assured that your H&S practices are up to standard with a third party certification.

      As a consultant that assists with the paperwork needed we are focusing on saving our clients money where we can. SMAS is one of the most reasonable outlays for your business and to renew year on year.

      If you have any questions or would like us to help you get your accreditation please get in touch on 0800 031 5404.

      Constructionline and Acclaim

      Insight by


      Amanda Lambert

      Published on

      5 August 2020


      Constructionline and Acclaim

      Acclaim is the constructionline version of a Health & Safety Assessment.  Gaining your Acclaim Accreditation would enable you to become a member of ‘Safety Schemes In Procurement’ (SSIP), which is an umbrella organisation for health and safety assessment schemes.

      Unsure how this works please click here to see the the flow of the process.

      SSIP is known in the industry as one of the largest growing schemes with more buyers recognising it within the construction industry. This gives suppliers the opportunity to become a member of the scheme that suits them. This helps companies to eliminate the need to apply for multiple accreditation’s to appease different buyers.
      Benefits of the Acclaim scheme

      • The simple questionnaire contains twelve questions and wont require you to resubmit any information you have already provided as part of your Constructionline membership.
      • The Acclaim Accreditation assessment is undertaken by the experts at Capita Property and Infrastructure. You will be provided with full details of the assessment and the assessor comments.
      • Acclaim Accreditation fees are based on your annual turnover, ensuring that the payment is affordable to all companies who require it.

      If you would like some more information on the accreditation and think you may need help in completing the process please get in touch.

      About Exor Accreditation

      Insight by


      Amanda Lambert

      Published on

      10 March 2020

      Health and safety blog

      About Exor Accreditation

      At Exor they offer clients an easy simple to use pre-qualification questionnaire service, helping you to have all your information in one place cutting down on administration and getting you access to the supply chain.

      PAS91 Compliant

      Exor uses a  PAS91 compliant portal which is online to make access easier for everyone. It simplifies the PQQ processes by capturing, validating and monitoring information on both existing and new suppliers.

      Exor is seen a a leader in public sector procurement in the UK operating for over 15 years.

      Safecontractor and Exor are part of the Alcumus Group and fall under the SSIP umbrella group.

      If you have been asked for an SSIP accreditation and you are not sure which one is best for you, we have a number of blogs available to give you more information or you can get in touch with us today and we will point you in the right direction.