Legislation/Consultation | In force/Closes | Need to know | Applies In | Resources |
Health and Safety (Enforcing Authority) Regulations 1998 | 28/07/2016 | Informal consultation on the effectiveness of the division of regulatory responsibility between the HSE and the local authorities | GB | hse.gov.uk |
Control of Electromagnetic Fields at Work Regulations 2016 | 01/07/2016 | Implements the EU’s EMF directive. Introduces requiremnt to assess levels of EMF exposure against specific thresholds. | GB | hse.gov.uk |
Explosives Regulations 2014 (amendment) Regulations 2016 | 20/04/2016 | Implements the recast of the Explosives for Civil Uses Directive. Changes include new requirements for the civil use of explosives to be accompanied by instructions and safety information | GB | hse.gov.uk |
Freight Containers (Safety Convention) (Amendment) Regulations 2016 | Feb-16 | Amendments to the Freight Containers (Safety Convention) Regulations 1984. Proposals include major changes to the Safety Approval Plates and additional safety tests. | GB | hse.gov.uk |
Definitive guideline for health and safety offences, corporate manslaughter and food safety and hygiene offences | 01/02/2016 | Gives judges a framework of tiered penalties based on the offending organisation’s turnover, the level of harm risked and culpability. | England/Wales | bit.ly |
Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015 | 23/12/2015 | Transitional period for projects started before April 2015 ends. Works with more than one contractor must have appointed a principal designer. | GB | hse.gov.uk |
Transportation of Directive 2013/35/EU on exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMFs) | 03/12/2015 | Proposed Control of Electromagnetic Fields at Work Regulations will require duty holders to assess exposure to EMFs | GB | hse.gov.uk |
Deregulation Act 2015 | 03/12/2015 | Turban wearing Sikhs do not have to wear head protection in any industries. | GB | hse.gov.uk |
The Health and safety at Work ect. Act 1974 (General Duties of Self-Employed Persons ) (Prescribed Undertakings) Regulations 2015 | Oct-15 | Changes the law to exempt self-employed people whose work activity poses no potential risk to other workers or the public. | GB | hse.gov.uk |
Offshore Installations (Offshore Safety Directive) (Safety Case ect) Regulations 2015 | Jul-15 | Applies to offshore oil and gas operators, interoperating additional requirements of directive 2013/30/EU | England/Wales | hse.gov.uk |
Control of Major Accident Hazards Regulations (COMAH) 2015 | Jun-15 | Main Duties unchanged from 1999 regs; lower tier operators must provide public information about their site and its hazards for the first time; both upper tier and lower tier operators must provide public information electronically. | GB | hse.gov.uk |
Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012 | May-15 | Workers undertaking non-licensed work for the first time must have a medical examination before they start. | England/Wales | legislation.gov.uk |
Construction (Design and Management) regulations 2015 | Apr-15 | CDM coordinator replaced with principal designer, prescriptive requirements for duty holders to check contractors’ competence removed, CDM duties extended to domestic clients. | GB | hse.gov.uk |
Road Traffic Act 1988 | Mar-15 | Section 5 amended to include an offence of driving under the influence of a controlled drug – including some prescription medications. | England/Wales | lexisurl.com |
Legislative Calendar

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