What is SSIP Deem to Satisfy?
Deem to satisfy allows you to obtain an SSIP certificate from a supplier other than the supplier from which you obtained your SSIP certificate.
For example, you can apply for a Constructionline certificate without going through a new accreditation process if you have a CHAS certificate.
You can save money using deem to satisfy; for example, if you have a CHAS and wish to renew, you can renew with a more economical supplier and still get your CHAS certificate through the deem to satisfy system.
All member schemes listed on the SSIP forum adhere to the SSIP Core Criteria, backed by the Health and Safety Executive.
By mutually recognising each other’s schemes, suppliers benefit from only needing to complete one assessment, while buyers enjoy more efficient procurement processes. This approach reduces costs and has saved over £68 million since 2016.
Registered Members
Two-Way Deem to Satisfy between SSIP Registered Members
Approval with a Registered Member can only be used to Deem to Satisfy with another Registered Member; it cannot be used to gain a Deem to Satisfy with a Certification Body Member.
Below is the list of registered members you can use for deem to satisfy:
3Core2 Certification Limited Trading As SafeArb SafeArb
Achilles Information Ltd Building Confidence
Alcumus SafeContractor Ltd Alcumus Safecontractor
Altius VA Limited CDMComply
Arboricultural Association ARB Approved Contractor
Association for Project Safety APS Corporate Practice Membership
Avetta Avetta Assessed
CHAS 2013 Ltd Contractors Health & Safety Scheme
Construction Safety Solutions PASS
CQMS Ltd CQMS Safety-Scheme
D W Health & Safety DW Health & Safety Contractor Competency Scheme
Fall Arrest Safety Equipment Training Ltd FASET Membership Audit
Fortius Ltd Acclaim Accreditation
Greenlight Safety Assessment Scheme Ltd Greenlight Safety Assessment Scheme
Hire Association Europe Ltd SafeHire Certification Scheme
International Powered Access Federation [IPAF] IPAF SSIP
MSL Property Care Services Ltd MSL Safepartner
National Access & Scaffolding Confederation Ltd NASC SSIP Audit
National Federation of Demolition Contractors NFDC Membership
PQS Pre-Qualification Scheme PQS Health & Safety Approved
Salus Certification Salus Certification
Safe-T-Cert [NI] {Construction Employers Federation} Safe-T-Cert
Safe-T-Cert [ROI] {Construction Industry Federation} Safe-T-Cert
Safety Management Advisory Services Ltd SMAS Worksafe
SSG Training and Consultancy Ltd SSG Assessed
William Martin Compliance Limited Prosure 360
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